Alphaguard PUMA Flat Roof System
Manufacturer: Tremco CPG UK Ltd
Materials: Polyurethane Modified Methacylate (PUMA)
The AlphaGuard PUMA Liquid-Applied Roof Waterproofing System is a cold-applied system, based on a polyurethane modified methacrylate (PUMA) resin, reinforced with an embedded non-woven polyester mat to provide a waterproofing membrane with a minimum dry film thickness of 2.3 mm, including the polyester mat.
The system comprises:
- AlphaGuard PUMA (WP) — a two-component, flexible polyurethane modified methacrylate resin-based roof waterproofing membrane
- AlphaGuard PUMA (TC) — a two-component, flexible, UV resistant methyl methacrylate resin-based coloured topcoat for use over AlphaGuard PUMA (WP)
- AlphaGuard PUMA Concrete Primer — a two-component, low viscosity methyl methacrylate-based primer for use on concrete substrate.
- AlphaGuard PUMA Thix – a two-component, high-viscosity flexible polyurethane modified methacrylate resin-based roof waterproofing membrane for detailing applications.
- AlphaGuard PUMA Catalyst — a 50% dibenzoyl peroxide catalyst powder for use with AlphaGuard PUMA (WP),
- AlphaGuard PUMA (TC), AlphaGuard PUMA Concrete Primer and AlphaGuard PUMA Thix.
- AlphaGuard PUMA Reinforcement fabric – a non-woven polyester fabric with a nominal weight per unit area of 165 g·m-2, for use as an embedded reinforcement in AlphaGuard PUMA

Number: 22/6057
Issue date: 05/05/2024
Approved for use on
Flat Roofs Green Roofs Inverted Roofs Pitched Roofs Roof Gardens Zero Falls Buried Roofs
- inverted roof specifications in flat, zero fall and pitched roof specifications
- protected roof in flat, zero fall and pitched roof specifications, eg covered by paving or other suitable protection
- green roof and roof garden in flat, zero fall and pitched roof specifications
- exposed roof in flat and pitched roof specifications.
Concrete Reinforced Bituminous Membranes Steel
The system is suitable for use on the following substrates:
- concrete (primed and unprimed)
- bituminous substrates (unprimed)
- steel (unprimed).
25 Years
Under normal service conditions, the system will provide a durable waterproof covering with a service life of at least 25 years.
The colour fastness of the system including AlphaGuard PUMA (TC) has not been assessed and repeated application may be required to maintain the required colour at shorter intervals.
An estimation cannot be given for the life of green roof specifications owing to the nature of use; however, under normal circumstances, it should be significantly greater than for exposed waterproof coverings
Installation Requirements
The system must only be installed by installers who have been trained and approved by the Certificate holder
Puncture Resistance
P4 - roof gardens, inverted roofs and green roofs)
Least compressible (eg concrete)
Fire Safety
When tested in accordance with CEN/TS 1187 : 2012 and classified in accordance with EN 13501-5 :2016, a system comprising a 12 mm thick fibre cement board with a density of 1800 kg·m-3 , AlphaGuard PUMA Concrete Primer applied at between 300 and 500 g·m-2 (dry), AlphaGuard PUMA (WP) applied in two coats at a total application rate of 2800 g·m-2 (dry) reinforced with AlphaGuard PUMA reinforcement fabric , and AlphaGuard PUMA (TC) (Grey) applied at 300 g·m-2 (dry), in a flat position (0°), achieved a classification of BROOF(t4) and so is unrestricted with respect to proximity to a boundary by the documents supporting the national Building Regulations.
For more information:
AlphaGuard-PUMA-Flat-Roof-System-BBA-Cert-226057.pdf (lrwa.org.uk)
BBA – Alphaguard PUMA Flat Roof System
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