Proteus Waterproofing

Proteus Hot Melt waterproofing systems

Manufacturer: Proteus Waterproofing 

Materials: Hot Applied Polymer Modified Bitumen (Hot Melt) 

Proteus Hot Melt Systems consist of a hot-applied modified bitumen, reinforced with interwoven glass fibre and used in conjunction with a range of modified bitumen roofing membranes.

The systems comprise:

  • Pro-Prime(1) Bitumen — a bitumen-based primer for use on porous substrates prior to the application of Proteus Hot Melt Compound
    • Proteus Hot Melt Compound — a hot-applied, polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing compound
    • Proteus Hot Melt Force— a glass fibre mesh reinforcement used as the main reinforcement and over hairline cracks (less than 1.5 mm wide) and concrete upstands on a flat concrete roof slab
    • Proteus Hot Melt Sanded Capsheet(2) — a modified bitumen protection membrane reinforced with polyester, which is rolled into molten Proteus Hot Melt Compound
    • Proteus Hot Melt Anti-Root Plain Capsheet — an anti-root modified bitumen protection membrane reinforced with polyester, which is rolled into molten Proteus Hot Melt Compound.


(1) Pro-Prime is a registered trademark.
(2) Not to be used in green roof (extensive) and roof garden (intensive) specifications.

BBA logo

Number: 22/6186
Issue date: 22/11/2022

Approved for use on

Flat Roofs Green Roofs Inverted Roofs Protected Roofs Roof Gardens Zero Falls Buried Roofs 

For use in waterproofing specifications for flat roofs, including zero fall, in inverted roof, green roof, roof garden and protected roof specifications.


Concrete Timber 

Concrete substrates to which the systems are to be applied must comply with the relevant requirements of BS 6229 : 2018 and, where appropriate, NHBC Standards 2019, Chapter 7.1. The systems have been assessed for use on the following substrates:

  • in-situ structural concrete
  • precast concrete
  • concrete block in vertical applications
  • lightweight structural concrete
  • new 25 mm exterior grade plywood (to BS EN 636 : 2012, Clause 8) fixed in accordance with BS 8217 : 2005 and BS 6229 : 2018


Design Life of the Roof 

When fully protected and subject to normal service conditions, the systems can provide an effective barrier to the transmission of liquid water and water vapour for the design life of the roof in which they are incorporated.

Installation Requirements

The systems should only be installed by trained contractors using specialist equipment.

Fire Safety

A roof incorporating the system will be unrestricted under the national Building Regulations in the following circumstances:
• protected or inverted roof specifications, including an inorganic covering listed in the Annex of Commission Decision 2000/553/EC
• a roof garden covered with a drainage layer of gravel 100 mm thick and a soil layer 300 mm thick
• irrigated roof gardens and green roofs.

Exposed areas of the capsheets, when used with one of the surface finishes detailed in Approved Document B, Appendix A, Table A5, part iii (Wales) and Technical Booklet E, Table 4.6, part iv (Northern Ireland) (listed below), would be deemed to be unrestricted:
• bitumen-bedded stone chippings covering the whole surface to a depth of not less than 12.5 mm
• bitumen-bedded tiles of non-combustible materials
• sand and cement screed
• macadam.

The classification and permissible areas of use of other specifications should be confirmed by reference to the requirements of the documents supporting the national Building Regulations.

If allowed to dry, plants used in a roof garden may allow flame spread across the roof. This should be taken into consideration when selecting the plants. Appropriate planting irrigation and/or protection must be applied to ensure that the overall fire-rating of the roof is not compromised.

The Certificate holder has not declared a reaction to fire classification to BS EN 13501-1 : 2018.

In England and Wales and Northern Ireland, the system should not be used on balconies on buildings that have a storey at least 18 m above ground level and which contain one or more dwellings, an institution, a room for residential purposes (excluding any room in a hostel, hotel or boarding house),
student accommodation, care homes, sheltered housing, hospitals or dormitories in boarding schools and additionally, in Northern Ireland, nursing homes and places of lawful detention.

In Scotland, the system should not be used on balconies of buildings with a storey more than 11 m bove the ground.

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Proteus Waterproofing

21a Sirdar Road
Brook Road Industrial Estate

T : 01268 777871

E :

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