ParaFlex FD Roof Waterproofing System
Manufacturer: Radmat Building Products Limited
Materials: Flexible Polyesters
The ParaFlex FD Roof Waterproofing System is a three-part unsaturated polyester resin reinforced with polyester fleece.
ParaFlex FD resin has the nominal characteristics of:
Specific gravity (g·cm–3) 1.013
Curing with accelerator (mins)
time to rain-resistant 20
time to foot traffic accessibility 30
Flashpoint (°C) 34
Colour anthracite and light grey.

Number: 09/4653
Issue date: 29/09/2021
Approved for use on
Balconies, Terraces & Walkways Blue Roofs Brown Roofs Flat Roofs Green Roofs Inverted Roofs Pitched Roofs Podium Decks Roof Gardens Zero Falls Buried Roofs
The ParaFlex FD Roof Waterproofing System is satisfactory for use as a waterproofing layer in:
• warm or cold exposed roofs on flat, zero fall roofs and pitched roofs with limited access
• inverted roof specifications using aggregate ballast on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited access
• protected inverted roof specifications using pavers or other suitable protection on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited or pedestrian access
• green roof (extensive) specifications on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited or pedestrian access, or pitched roofs with limited access
• roof garden (intensive) specifications on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited or pedestrian access
• brown roof specifications
• blue roof specifications
• long term storage roofs for rainwater harvesting
• podium decks
• balconies with pedestrian access
• walkways.
Concrete Insulation Boards Mastic Asphalt Metal Plastic PUR or PIR Insulation Reinforced Bituminous Membranes Timber
The system is suitable for use on the following substrates:
• concrete
• plastic
• wood
• metal
• asphalt
• reinforced bitumen membranes (including mineral-surfaced)
• PUR or PIR insulation boards
• mineral wool insulation batts
35 Years
The system will achieve an initial life expectancy of at least 35 years.
When fully protected and subject to normal service conditions in an inverted roof specification with an open covering (eg aggregate pavers), the system can provide an effective barrier to the transmission of liquid water and water vapour for the design life of the roof in which it is incorporated.
However, in situations where maintenance or repair of any of the components in the roof structure are necessary (eg protection layer, insulation), the durability of the membrane may be reduced.
An estimation cannot be given for the life of green roof, brown roof and roof garden specifications owing to the nature of use; however, under normal circumstances, it should be significantly greater than for open coverings.
Installation Requirements
The system should only be installed by contractors who have been trained and approved by the Certificate holder.
Fire Safety
When tested and classified in accordance with BS EN 13501-5 : 2005, a system comprising a plywood deck (approximately 18 mm thick) primed with ParaFlex Primer and the ParaFlex FD system applied in two coats reinforced with a non-woven polyester, achieved a classification of BROOF(t4).
In the opinion of the BBA, when used in irrigated roof gardens, brown roofs or green roofs, the use of the membranes will be unrestricted under the national Building Regulations.
The designation of other specifications, eg when used on combustible substrates, should be confirmed by: England and Wales — test or assessment in accordance with Approved Document B, Appendix A, Clause 1 Scotland — test to conform to Mandatory Standard 2.8, clause 2.8.1, Northern Ireland — test or assessment by a UKAS-accredited laboratory, or an independent consultant with appropriate experience.
If allowed to dry, the plants used may allow flame spread across the roof. This should be taken into consideration when selecting suitable plants for the roof. Appropriate planting irrigation and/or protection should be applied to ensure the overall fire-rating of the roof is not compromised.
BBA Certificate – Paraflex FD Roof Waterproofing System
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Document type : Link
Radmat Building Products Limited
Holland House Valley Way
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough
LE16 7PS