Widopan Products


Part of Widopan FD Roof Waterproofing System

Manufacturer: Widopan Products 

Materials: Poly Methyl Methacrylates (PMMA) 

Widocryl-PM is a two-part polymethacrylic resin reinforced with a non-woven polyester fleece or mesh.

Widocryl-PM resin has the nominal characteristics of:

Specific gravity (g·cm–3) 1.38
Pot life (minutes) 20 – 30
Flashpoint (°C) 11.5
Viscosity at 25°C (mPa·s) 600 – 1000
Colour grey(1).

(1) Other colours from the RAL colour chart are available upon request

BBA logo

Number: 07/4488 PS2
Issue date: 15/12/2020

ETA logo

Number: 05/0237
Issue date: 21/09/2015

Approved for use on

Balconies, Terraces & Walkways Flat Roofs 

For use as a liquid-applied roof waterproofing layer on balconies, terraces and covered walkways for pedestrian access, including zero-pitch applications.


Concrete Insulation Boards Metal PUR or PIR Insulation Timber 

The system is suitable for use on the following substrates:

• concrete
• reinforced bitumen membranes (including mineral-surfaced)
• metal
• timber
• PUR or PIR insulation boards.


25 Years 

Results of accelerated weathering tests confirm that a satisfactory retention of properties is achieved. All available evidence indicates that the system should achieve an initial life expectancy of at least 25 years.

Installation Requirements

The system should only be installed by contractors who have been trained and approved by the Certificate holder.

Puncture Resistance

P1 - non accessible

Least compressible (eg concrete)

P4 - roof gardens, inverted roofs and green roofs)

Most Compressible Substrate (eg insulation)

Fire Safety

When tested and classified in accordance with BS EN 13501-5 : 2005, a system comprising a plywood substrate primed with Widocryl-Primer-PM at a coverage rate of 0.5 kg·m–2, a layer of Widocryl-PM at a coverage rate of 1.0 kg·m–2, a layer of 120 Gram reinforcement and a layer of Widocryl-PM at a coverage rate of 0.5 kg·m–2, achieved a classification of BROOF(t4).

The designation of other specifications, eg when used on combustible substrates, should be confirmed by: England and Wales — test or assessment in accordance with Approved Document B, Appendix A, clause 1. Scotland — test to conform to Mandatory Standard 2.8, clause 2.8.1(1)(2) (1) Technical Handbook (Domestic). (2) Technical Handbook (Non-Domestic). Northern Ireland — test or assessment by a UKAS accredited laboratory, or an independent consultant with appropriate experience.

Certified Products

The following products are also covered by the same certification:

  • Downloads

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“The information contained in this Website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by manufacturer members and their accreditation certifications and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with regard to information or products. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

LRWA Is not an accreditation body and does not test products or have a role in determining whether a product or system is fit for purpose. An agrément certificate is only issued for a successful product or system following a detailed assessment including both laboratory testing and inspections by the certificate provider.”