Hyraflex 2nd Generation Monolithic Hot melt waterproofing
Manufacturer: Axter Limited
Materials: Hot Applied Polymer Modified Bitumen (Hot Melt)
The Hyraflex Second Generation Monolithic Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing is a hot liquid applied, elastomeric
bitumen system, forming a seamless membrane with a nominal system thickness of 6 mm. The system consists of:
• Hyraflex Hot Melt monolithic elastomeric compound — a hot-applied polymer-modified bitumen compound
• Hyraflex Reinforcement — a polymeric mesh (100g.m-2) for use as the reinforcement layer for the system
• Hyraflex Primer — a surface preparation primer, for use prior to the application of the hot-applied membrane
• Hyraflex 25 — a polyester reinforced (120 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen, root resistant, waterproofing membrane. The upper and lower surfaces are finished with sand
• Hyraflex 25 S — a stabilised polyester reinforced (180 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane. The upper surface is finished with sand and lower surface with a thermofusible film
• Hyraflex 25 Trafic — a stabilised polyester reinforced (180 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen, root resistant, waterproofing membrane. The upper surface is finished with mineral slate chippings and the lower surface with a thermofusible film
• Hyraflex 35 — a polyester reinforced (180 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen, root resistant, waterproofing membrane. The upper and lower surfaces are finished with fine sand
• Hyraflex 35 S — a stabilised polyester reinforced (180 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane. The upper surface is finished with sand and lower surface with a thermofusible film
• Hyraflex 35 Trafic — a stabilised polyester reinforced (180 g·m-2) elastomeric SBS modified bitumen, root resistant, waterproofing membrane. The upper surface is finished with mineral slate chippings and the lower surface with a thermofusible film.

Number: 19/5709 PS1
Issue date: 26/11/2019
Approved for use on
Blue Roofs Green Roofs Inverted Roofs Protected Roofs Zero Falls Buried Roofs
The Hyraflex Second Generation Monolithic Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing System is satisfactory for use as a waterproofing layer on roofs with limited or pedestrian access in:
- inverted roof specifications using aggregate ballast and paving on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited access
- protected roof specifications, eg covered by pavers or other suitable protection on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs
- green roof (extensive), biodiverse roof and brown roof specifications on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs with limited access or pitched roofs with limited access, and roof garden (intensive) specifications
- blue roof specifications in combination with a stormwater attenuation system(1), on flat roofs, including zero fall roofs
(1) The stormwater attenuation system is outside the scope of this Certificate
Concrete Metal Timber
The system is suitable for use on the following substrates:
- in-situ concrete, precast concrete or concrete blocks
- lightweight structural concrete, subject to the Certificate holder’s recommendations
- timber (exterior grade plywood, OSB3, composite timber or sawn timber)
- metal (upstands and flat substrates).
Design Life of the Roof
The Hyraflex Second Generation Monolithic Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing System will provide an effective barrier to the transmission of liquid water and water vapour for the design life of the roof in which it is incorporated.
Installation Requirements
The system should only be installed by trained contractors using specialist equipment. Details of these are available from the Certificate holder.
Fire Safety
In the opinion of the BBA, a roof incorporating the system will be unrestricted under the national Building Regulations in the following circumstances:
- protected or inverted roof specifications, including an inorganic covering listed in the Annex of Commission Decision 2000/553/EC, can be considered to be unrestricted under the national Requirements
- a roof garden covered with a drainage layer of gravel 100 mm thick and a soil layer 300 mm thick
- irrigated roof gardens and green roofs.
The designation of other specifications should be confirmed by reference to the documents supporting the national Building Regulations
If allowed to dry, plants used in a roof garden may allow flame spread across the roof. This should be taken into consideration when selecting the plants. Appropriate planting irrigation and/or protection must be applied to ensure the overall fire rating of the roof is not compromised.
Certified Products
The following products are also covered by the same certification:
BBA – Hyraflex Second Generation Monolithic Hot melt structural
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